Fonts of Holum Studio
A collection of our most used Google Fonts that are pre approved to use in Holum Design Studio for logo design, branding and Squarespace websites from Google Fonts. Study our case projects and websites and study the Holum Studio design style. We try to create graphic design that is clean, orderly, sublime and minimal. Our style is corporate, tend to be dark feature strong contrast, and simple use of 1 or 2 colours for each brand palette, most projects will have 1 or maximum 2 fonts used in 1 brand identity. We aimm to only use open source fonts in Google Fonts, or fonts we have bought that are available in our Archive.
Good Fonts to add in our collection below
Top San Serif Fonts
Poppins / Work Sans / Bebas Neue / Open Sans / Lato / Montserrat / Oswald / Manrope / Oxygen / Source Sans Pro / Roboto / Raleway / IBM Plex / Knockout / Gabe Sans / TallEagle / Zephyr / League Gothic / Formula Condensed / Oswald
Top Serif Fonts
Playfair Display / Cardo / Cormorant / Prata / DM Serif Display /Lora / Source Sans Serif / Baskerville / Spectral / IBM Plex Serif / Literata / Bodoni Moda / Libre Caslon / Gilda / Oranienbaum
Top Contemporary Serif Fonts
DM Serif Display / Inknut Antiqua / Stoke / Rozha One / Belleza / Fraunces
Top Contemporary San Serif Fonts
Syne / Space Mono / Michroma / Lexend Exa / Alata
Monogram Creation Fonts

About Eivind Holum:
Graphic & Web Designer
– based in Oslo.
Eivind Holum creates visual profiles, websites and hand made illustrations for corporations, entrepreneurs and individuals in Oslo that wants to create a powerful brand and thriving business.
Eivind J. Holum is an art director, graphic designer, and web designer. I provide premium visual identity work, logo designs for corporations and individuals. I can deliver everything within the graphic design category such as print, logos, visual profiles, brand guides as well as illustration and web design. My career in graphic design began with an interest in drawing by hand at a young age, I have always been fascinated with illustration and drawing, therefore graphic design and illustration was a natural path for me. I usually work for small to medium corporations who needs an hands-on approach that swiftly goes from ideation to execution.